CONCERTO FOR ABIGAIL is a new lesbian love story about a pianist losing her hearing. It’s also a movie about hope, life, and finding love when you least expect it. Read our full Concerto for Abigail movie review here!

CONCERTO FOR ABIGAIL features LGBTQ characters and a lesbian love story. A very sweet, realistic, and honest love story so I’d expect people can relate to it. I certainly could.

Also, the music in this movie is beautiful but never takes over. With a pianist for a leading lady, that could be the case, but it’s very balanced. If you’re looking for a sweet love story and a movie about challenges and hope, then this is definitely for you.

Continue reading our Concerto for Abigail movie review below. Find it on VOD on your platform of choice – including Tello and (very soon) also Tubi.

Love, hope, and beautiful music

In Concerto for Abigail, we meet a world-renowned pianist Samantha Porter (Monica Young) just as she learns that she’s losing her hearing. As an active artist who is still giving concerts and writing new music, the very idea of going deaf is devasting to her.

However, she is surrounded by many good and kind people who help her. Well, when she lets them. She does keep it a secret for quite some time as she comes to terms with her new future life.

What is never a secret, is the fact that she’s gay. We know this about both the main characters from the beginning. Samantha first meets Abigail (Andrea Bogart) as she’s playing a concert with a trio after having received the news of her progressive hearing loss. And yes, this is the Abigail from the Concerto for Abigail title.

Concerto for Abigail – Movie Review | Lesbian Love Story

The sweetest love story

This may be a spoiler, but it’s the kind I know many will want to know about up-front. In this movie, their sexuality is a non-issue. Love is love and the two leading ladies are quick to just ask one another if they are in fact gay. Simple as that.

Of course, it takes place in California in the present, which obviously helps. And the two main characters are not teenagers, but adult women, who know who they are and what they want. Doesn’t that just sound beautiful?!

Also, enjoy the music, character portrayals, and the gorgeous wardrobe. Seriously, my wife was ready to buy just about everything Samantha Porter was wearing. And I would support her in this endeavor!

Watch Concerto for Abigail now!

Jan Miller Corran is the writer and director of Concerto for Abigail and I always feel safe (and excited) about any new movie from her. She’s also a producer on the film, and – as with any of her productions – there is so much heart, hope, happiness, and passion in this story.


Be sure to check out the beautiful and passionate Snapshots as well >

Concerto for Abigail has been playing at film festivals for quite some time. And it has also (deservedly!) won a lot of awards. This is the kind of movie that focuses on its core character, who is dealing with an abrupt change in her life, but also finds love at the same time. A true silver lining.

Be sure to check it out and know that it’s all about love and hope – while also being very realistic in all aspects of its storytelling.

Concerto for Abigail was released on VOD on August 2, 2024. Find it on Tello and Tubi now or soon as well.

Womentainment Recommendation

Enjoy the sweet story of hope and love in Concerto for Abigail

I love love. There’s a reason why Imagine Me & You is one of my all-time favorite movies. With Concerto for Abigail, I would never claim that we’re getting another Luce and Rachel story. This is a more mature love story. Both due to age and experience, but more so because a character deals with a personal loss.

She has to come to terms with the fact that her way in life will be different than she ever imagined or expected.

Also, you will find that no lesbians are dying or assaulted in this movie. This is rarely the case when a movie is made for queer women by a queer woman, so I felt safe up-front. In fact, that’s another great reason to always seek out and support movies made by LGBTQ filmmakers.

Director: Jan Miller Corran
Writer: Jan Miller Corran
Stars: Monica Young, Andrea Bogart, Jetta Martin, Rebecca Grayce, Tony Jonick, Christine Grantz Sheppard, Saskia Baur, John Richard Hale

Official plot:

A world-renowned pianist faces the devastating news that she has progressive hearing loss which will ultimately lead to deafness. This news comes at the same time a new love walks into her life. Will she let her fear of not being able to hear consume her and keep her from exploring this new love? Or will she allow Abigail in so they can deal with the hearing loss together?